Hildegard Kassner-Steinmüller

Partner BSMC GmbH

School headmaster (ret.)
State examination in social sciences, German studies

Prize winner
Theatre competitions, drug prevention

Since 2013

Partner BSMC GmbH. Operational support BSMC especially in the areas of Sustainability Policy, Communication & Public Relations, Pedagogy, Social Affairs. Literature, Editorial.

2002 – 2013

School principal and member of the school management Friedrich v. Spee Gesamtschule, responsible for the coordination of grades 5 to 7 with approx. 500 pupils, sustainability school & society.

1993 – 2013

Member of the founding staff at the Friedrich v. Spee Comprehensive School in Paderborn. Main subjects German, Politics & Theatre, Performing & Designing, Music. School & Agenda 21 and Sustainability, Energy & Climate, Project Energy Revue. Prize-winner in theatre competition North-Rhine-Westfalia.

1988 – 1993

Secondary school teacher at the Realschule Salzkotten. Main subjects German, Social Studies. Teacher of confidence, co-initiator of school and town twinning Belleville/France, inter-school anti-racism campaign, award winner in theatre project drug prevention.

1983 – 1988

Stay abroad in the Netherlands, parental leave Netherlands, Gerrmany.

1977 – 1983

Teacher at the Realschule Geilenkirchen. Confidential teacher, postgraduate academic education and degree at Cologne Music Academy.

1975 – 1977

Traineeship as a teacher for secondary level I in Cologne.

1969 – 1974

Studies in German language and literature, politics, social sciences in Tübingen and Aachen. State Examination Thesis “Federalist Conceptions of a Political Union of Europe”.

1956 – 1969

Primary school & grammar school in Hamm. Stays abroad Luxembourg, France.